(For Models AF3200, AF3250, AF3400, 7500 and most shop
air powered Cooling System Service Units from VIPER and SOLAR)
POWER: The following instructions are designed for units powered by shop air pumps. Units
utilizing 12V pumps do not have enough power to perform flushing or back-flushing services.
VIPER and SOLAR Cooling system Service Centers require incoming air pressure be regulated
to a minimum of 45 psi and a maximum of 125 psi. Pressures outside of this range will cause
operating problems and void the warranty.
CAPACITY: VIPER AF3250, AF3400, and SOLAR 7500 models have side mounted tanks, each
providing a working capacity of 7 gallons and total capacity of 8 gallons. The tanks come with easy
to read capacity markings and can be quickly removed for storage and cleaning. Replacement tank
kits (Part No. 5030) are available, offering easy conversion between different types of coolants.
Each tank has 2 flow tubes placed into it. The pickup tube is the longer tube and pulls fluid from the
bottom of the tank. The intake tube is the shorter tube and drops all incoming fluid into the top of the
tank. This arrangement allows good mixing of fluid and avoids any tube-to-tube streaming.
Other VIPER and SOLAR models use internal tanks with differing capacities. Refer to the User’s
Guide that accompanies each unit for more detailed information.
OPERATION: The VIPER AF3250, AF3400 and SOLAR 7500 models all utilize an easy-to-use
control panel, which includes Service Valves, a System Pressure Gauge and a Rotary Control Knob.
NOTE: Models with recycling capability will also have a Filter Control Knob and a Filter Pressure Gauge.
Neither of these will be used during the vehicle service and are only used during the recycling process.
Service Valves are labeled as follows: “Pump From” and “Pump To”. Operation of the machine
requires only that the user select where the fluid comes from (Used Tank, New Tank or Vehicle) and
where the fluid is to be directed to (Used Tank, New Tank or Vehicle).
With the wide selection of fluid direction options, a technician can perform a vehicle service, mix fluid
inside one tank, transfer fluid between the 2 tanks, pull fluid from the vehicle or empty the tanks into
outside containers.
NOTE: Other VIPER and SOLAR cooling system service models utilize unique valve control options – refer to the
User’s Guide that accompanies each unit for specific control function. All steps of service will remain the same.
SERVICE HOSES: Nearly all VIPER and SOLAR Cooling System Service models utilize 2 Service
Hoses, one red and one black. The black service hose is the working hose while the red hose functions
as a return hose during vehicle service. The red hose includes a clear segment, allowing the technician
to view the fluid exiting the vehicle. Each model comes supplied with quick connect couplers, to be
installed on the vehicle end of each service hose. Each hose contains a removable screen (placed in
the end of hose closest to the machine) to keep contaminants from flowing into and damaging the
machine’s pump. To ensure maximum pump life, never run a machine with the screens removed.
Cold Car / Reverse Flow Service Method: Step 1 – Vehicle Connection
1. Remove radiator cap from vehicle and attach the proper Radiator Cap Adapter with male
Quick Connect Insert installed.
2. Connect the Black Service Hose to the Radiator Cap Adapter, and position the Control Valves as
follows: “Pump To” Processing Tank; “Pump From” Vehicle. (Some models may have different valve
configurations – refer to the User’s Guide for matching valve positioning.)
3. Start the pump, remove fluid from vehicle until the upper radiator hose is completely collapsed
and stop the pump. (Note: Do not exceed 20 inches of vacuum –the pump is powerful enough
to collapse radiator and heater cores.)
4. Remove the Black Service Hose from the Radiator Cap Adapter and replace the Radiator Cap
Adapter with the vehicle’s radiator cap. (Highly recommended practice, as this will allow testing of
the cap for proper operation and will act as a safety valve during coolant service).
5. Remove the upper radiator hose from either the radiator or the thermostat housing (thermostat
housing is preferred connection point).
6. Install the correct Cross Flow Adapters into the upper radiator hose and the radiator / thermostat
housing. Ensure the closed ends are on the outside connection point. Check that all connections are
properly secured with hose clamps.
7. Install a Female Quick Disconnect onto each Cross Flow Adapter.
8. The vehicle is now ready to be tested and serviced.
Cold Car / Reverse Flow Service Method: Step 2 – System Testing
Note: It is recommended that the system test be performed prior to service to ensure the integrity of
the cooling system. The detailed vehicle connection steps listed below will help provide a clean vehicle
connection minimizing any coolant spillage.
1. Connect the Black Service Hose to the Cross Flow Adapter closest to the radiator. Leave the Red
Service Hose disconnected from the vehicle.
2. Turn the pump ON, using care to avoid over-pressuring the vehicle system. Monitor the pressure
gauge and listen/watch for signs when the radiator cap is releasing. Ideally, the cap should release
within +/- 3 psi of the rated pressure (rating is printed on cap). To determine current pressure relief of
cap, listen for air escaping around cap seals or watch for bubbling in overflow tank. It is important, for
proper vehicle function, that the radiator cap operate as rated. Caps that are opening at the incorrect
pressure ratings can cause overheating and other coolant system circulation problems.
3. As soon as pressure release value is determined, stop the pump and monitor the pressure gauge,
watching for leaks. Always replace defective radiator caps and perform any necessary system repairs
before proceeding with coolant service. Avoid putting more pressure into the system than the cap is
rated for. Excessive pressures may damage the radiator.
4. After finishing the cap test, remove the Black Service Hose from Cross Flow Adapter closest to
radiator and connect to the Cross Flow Adapter closest to the thermostat housing. Vehicle is now
ready for coolant service.
Cold Car / Reverse Flow Service Method: Step 3a –
Solvent Flush (using Cooling System Cleaner) Followed by Coolant Exchange
Note: If not using a cooling system cleaner, skip to the next section.
This optional procedure is recommended for long-life cooling systems that show signs of sludge
accumulation. A chemical cleaner will provide maximum cleaning action and restore cooling system
performance. VIPER Cooling System Cleaner, Part No. 5090, is recommended for a powerful cleaning
action and will not damage the cooling system. Please follow all recommended handling instructions.
1. Prior to performing a coolant cleaning service, empty the Processing Tank of all used fluid and
add 1 gallon of clean water to the bottom of the tank. Connect the Black Service Hose to the Cross
Flow Adapter closest to the thermostat, with the Red Service Hose connected to the other Cross Flow.
2. Add VIPER Cooling System Cleaner, Part No. 5090 (use 32 ounces of cleaner for up to 18 quarts
of coolant), into to the 1 gallon of clean water in the Processing Tank (follow all directions on VIPER
Cooling System Cleaner). Set control valves as follows: “Pump From” Processing Tank; “Pump To”
Vehicle. (This will enable circulation of fluid from the Processing Tank into the vehicle and back into the
Processing Tank again.)
3. Turn the pump ON while monitoring the System Pressure Gauge. It will take approximately
15-18 psi to open the thermostat. (Note that some thermostats will open at much lower pressures –
these most likely will be defective and require replacement. Other thermostats may not open until the
pressure reaches over 20 psi.) Never introduce more than 25 psi to the vehicle. If a thermostat will not
open, stop the process and determine problem before proceeding.
4. The pressure of the fluid will drop as it passes the thermostat and will circulate at about half the rate
required to open the thermostat. If pressure builds too high, it will open the radiator cap and fluid will
flow into the overflow container. Monitor the overflow container fluid level during the cleaning process
to avoid pressure issues and spillage.
5. Monitor the Sight Glass in the Red Service Hose until a small amount of fluid is passing through.
A working flow rate of 3 to 4 quarts a minute is recommended. Continue the flushing action for 20-30
minutes or as suggested on cleaner.
6. When cleaning process has been completed, commence the coolant exchange process by
switching the “Pump From” Control Valve so that it now indicates: “Pump From” New Tank.
Throughout the service, monitor the sight glass. When all cleaner solution/old coolant mixture
has been forced out of cooling system and replaced by new coolant, the coolant exchange process
is complete.
7. After viewing new coolant in sight glass, turn pump OFF and disconnect the Red Service Hose.
The vehicle will be full of new coolant.
8. To provide a clean and easy disconnect process, reverse the hook-up process and reassemble
upper radiator hose to vehicle. By vacuuming the fluid out of the upper hose and top of radiator prior
to disassembly, this step can be accomplished with minimal fluid loss.
9. Remove the overflow container lid and, if needed, vacuum out any remaining dirty fluid or cleaning
solution utilizing the flexible pick up tube (included with unit) attached to the Black Service Hose. Use
the following valve arrangement: “Pump From” Vehicle; “Pump To” Processing Tank.
10. To fill the overflow container and top-off the radiator, utilize the Black Service Hose with flexible
tube attached. Position control valves as follows: “Pump From” New Tank; “Pump To” Vehicle.
Slowly turn on the pump and top off vehicle system as needed.
11. Replace the radiator cap and start the vehicle to ensure proper operation. Check for any system
leaks and, after vehicle reaches operating temperature, ensure all fluids are at proper levels. The
service is complete.
Cold Car / Reverse Flow Service Method: Step 3b – Standard Coolant Exchange
1. Fill the New Coolant Tank with the correct amount of the proper type of coolant. It is recommended
that the New Coolant Tank be filled with at least the rated capacity of the vehicle’s cooling system
(plus the prime level) and the best practice is to fill 10-20% more new coolant than the vehicle’s
rated capacity. Never run the onboard coolant storage tanks dry.
2. Place the Control Valves in the following positions: “Pump From” New Tank; “Pump To” Vehicle.
Connect the Black Service Hose to the Cross Flow Adapter closest to the thermostat, with the Red
Service Hose connected to the other Cross Flow Adapter.
3. Turn the pump ON while monitoring the System Pressure Gauge. It will take approximately
15-18 psi to open the thermostat. (Note that some thermostats will open at much lower pressures –
these most likely will be defective and require replacement. Other thermostats may not open until the
pressure reaches over 20 psi.) Never introduce more than 25 psi to the vehicle. If a thermostat will not
open, stop the process and determine problem before proceeding.
4. The pressure of the fluid will drop as it passes the thermostat and will circulate at about half the rate
required to open the thermostat. If pressure builds too high, it will open the radiator cap and fluid will
flow into the overflow container. Monitor the overflow container fluid level during the cleaning process
to avoid pressure issues and spillage.
5. Throughout the service, monitor the Sight Glass. When all cleaner solution/old coolant mixture
has been forced out of cooling system and replaced by new coolant, the coolant exchange process
is complete.
6. After viewing new coolant in sight glass, turn pump OFF and disconnect the Red Service Hose.
The vehicle will be full of new coolant.
7. To provide a clean and easy disconnect process, reverse the hook-up process and reassemble
upper radiator hose to vehicle. By vacuuming the fluid out of the upper hose and top of radiator prior
to disassembly, this step can be accomplished with minimal fluid loss.
8. Remove the overflow container lid and, if needed, vacuum out any remaining dirty fluid utilizing the
flexible pick up tube (included with unit) attached to the Black Service Hose. Use the following valve
arrangement: “Pump From” Vehicle; “Pump To” Processing Tank.
9. To fill the overflow container and top-off the radiator, utilize the Black Service Hose with flexible
tube attached. Position control valves as follows: “Pump From” New Tank; “Pump To” Vehicle. Slowly
turn on the pump and top off vehicle system as needed.
10. Replace the radiator cap and start the vehicle to ensure proper operation. Check for any system
leaks and, after vehicle reaches operating temperature, ensure all fluids are at proper levels. The
service is complete.
(Designed for VIPER AF3250, AF3400 and SOLAR 7500 – Good suggestions for all units)
1. The fluid required for “Primer Level” is 1 gallon.
2. During normal operation, the rate of fluid flow through a cooling system is approximately 3 – 4 quarts
per minute.
3. The internal pump on the shop air powered coolant machines can pull up to 20 inches of vacuum
or provide up to 40 psi of pressure. Care must be taken in both cases to avoid damaging cooling
system components such as radiators and heater cores.
4. All coolants (except for Sierra brand) are ethylene glycol based but differ with unique additives
and colorants. Ethylene glycol will never wear out – only the additives package will. The additives in
standard coolants and long-life coolants are not compatible and should not be mixed for extended use.
5. Long-life coolants contain organic additives. These additives coat the inside of a brand new system
when first installed and this coating is what gives the coolant its ability to provide longer service
intervals. When exposed to air in a low fluid situation, this coating can “grow” and cause blockage in
the cooling system, reducing system and vehicle performance. A good coolant flush (using a chemical
cleaner) is required to remove this build-up and restore the cooling system to normal operating
efficiency. Although many cooling system cleaners contain acid, requiring extra care in handling
and use, the VIPER Cooling System Cleaner is acid-free. Follow all manufacturer’s recommended
practices when using a cooling system cleaner chemical.
6. When long-life coolants are placed into a system that first contained standard coolant, the
performance will not act as in a new installation. This is due to the internal cooling system components
already being exposed to inorganic additives. A chemical flush will help remove some of the inorganic
contaminants and allow the cooling system to perform better using long life coolant than it would if a
chemical flush were not performed.
7. Radiator cap manufacturers claims that as many as 1 in every 5 caps in the general vehicle
population is operating improperly and should be replaced. Always perform a pressure test to ensure
proper cap function – this is a great way to ensure the vehicle owner gets the greatest benefit from a
cooling system service and it increases your service revenue.
8. If a VIPER or SOLAR machine appears to not be circulating fluid properly, remove the hoses from
the front of the unit and examine the screens. Partially plugged screens will create a blockage and slow
down the coolant exchange process.
9. For optimum performance and longer pump life, periodically rinse out the Used Coolant Tank to
remove the debris collecting in the bottom of the tank. These larger particles and pieces can get lodged
in the pump or the screens and affect performance.
10. Always perform a cooling system service with the radiator cap installed. This will act as a safety
valve during the process and minimize risk of damage to the vehicle’s cooling system if, for any reason,
too much pressure develops during the service.
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